Monday, May 25, 2009

On Line Odyssey Questions

These questions are due on Thursday (5/28). Please hand them in at the start of the period.

Fill in the chart, and answer the 10 questions


These questions are due on Tuesday (6/2)


K_I_A_N_A<3 said...
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Nganniiieeeeeeee(: said...

Hey Mr. Doreian, this is Ngan Le from 3rd period and I was absent today, I was wondering if this assignment (On Line Odyssey Questions) if they were the whole week assignment? Is there any other work that is assigned for today(5/26)? Can you please tell me the schedule... Thankyou!!

Sorry I don't have your email to email you my questions.

K_I_A_N_A<3 said...
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