Friday, October 31, 2008

Homework 10/31

Happy Halloween!!!
Romeo and Juliet
Act 2 Scene 1&2

A Student Work:
* Work on your Culture Vulture Poster
* Culture Vulture Work Cited Page
* Select your next ROAR book (Make sure it is a historical novel)

Have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Golden Rose said...

Good Afternoon Mr. Doreian!
I have a question about the ROAR book. Does it really have to be a novel? because I borrow from the library, a book about China's Culture. It is a book that have 230 pages and it's actually not a novel. It tells you about the Chinese's culture,language,geography,food and many other topics. Is it O.K. if I read this book?
Amy Chen, 9th grader, Period 3