Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ROAR/Culture Vulture Update

With Term 4 providing a deluge of work, I have decided to amend the requirements for ROAR and Culture Vulture.

(to replace the standard ROAR 2 page review)

-select 3 quotations/passages from the book
-explain why you found these selections interesting (paragraph per quotation)
-use standard ROAR heading (publication information, letter grade) and use proper MLA intext citation for each quotation

-create an advertisement for your book. The ad must be standard paper size (no billboards please) and show creative thought and quality construction (avoid tape, stock images, messy handwriting).
-the ad should contain the book's title and the author's name (since it is an ad, there is no need to underline/italicize the title)

Culture Vulture

-have fun by attending a Culture Vulture event!
-complete a Culture Vulture rough draft sheet, and attach proof
-we will write a newspaper article about the event next term

Due Dates
3 Quotations ( 5/1
Advertisement (in class) 5/2

Culture Vulture
Rough Draft & Proof 4/29

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