Wednesday, March 19, 2008

HW 3/19

a strange, short day this was.

Shout out to all period 3 students who missed class today.

1: ACTIVE READING of Romeo and Juliet I.iii

Have you seen this version?

I also have recommended that you borrow/buy a "No Fear" version of the play.

or here

Also, try reading a summary of the scene before reading. I like this one.

2: Read your ROAR. This is going to be a "light" weekend for work, or at least you have three days. REMEMBER. The ROAR is due April 10th!

3: Read the comments on your Longfellow "Psalm of Life" Essay. On the row for this assignment, there will be a number all the way to the right. Notice how your other assignments have zeros. You should have a one or two. Click on the number, and then click "full review" on the right side to see the comments.

4: Revise the essay by 8:00 on Saturday.

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